March 5, 2011

Zilergy Dashboard - Step by Step Tutorial - Jay Bartels

ZILERGY Pro - Why?

Loyalty from your customer base is the key! No matter what type or size your business is your current customers are always the best source for continued business. Communicating with them regularly and offering value is the way to keep your brand fresh on their minds. One of the great benefits of ZILERGY Pro is an open line of communication with your customers so you can receive their feedback. Their opinion of your business or services is critical to your continued success.

So, why ZILERGY Pro? Finding new customers and communicating with your current database has never been easier! With ZILERGY Pro you can offer the highest level of customer service, plus you'll be marketing and communicating to your customers with a higher standard of professionalism, impressive!

What does ZILERGY Pro do for you?

ZILERGY Pro solves the age old problem of how to find new customers while retaining your existing ones. By offering 60 Day FREE Trials of this amazing new software, you can greatly increase your database and create new business every day. ZILERGY Pro keeps your business in front of the eyes of new and existing customers by using the most powerful form of marketing available today. Your business will appear on their social media sites, their email and their cell phones, problem solved!

Stay Connected with Customers

Staying connected and communicating with customers can help you build long lasting relationships. With ZILERGY Pro you can offer special incentives to your customers, right through their cell phones, emails and social media sites, wow!

Boost Sales and Customer Confidence

One thing is for sure, people love to talk! If you're business offers fun and effective new ways to keep people's interests and get new customers then they'll be talking about you! Everyone loves a true champion and you'll be marketing and communicating like a pro within minutes of receiving your ZILERGY Pro system. People are always impressed with a true professional, welcome to the big leagues! 

Key All-In-One Features Include:

  • Email Marketing System
  • Social Media Marketing System
  • Mobile Marketing System
  • Unlimited Opt-in Emails
  • 1000 Premium Texts per month
  • 1 Short Code Texting Keyword
  • Single Database for all Functions
  • Opt-In Marketing Programs

ZILERGY Pro - Building Your Business List

Every business big or small has one thing in common, their customer and prospects list. Whether you keep written books or store them electronically, your list is your lifeline! ZILERGY Pro is the ultimate tool for building your lists!

List building is an art that unfortunately most of us have not mastered. It usually requires a major education in Internet marketing and can be very costly. The desired result is to have people “OPT IN” to hear from you and what your business offers. ZILERGY Pro can help you build a list of brand new prospects without ever spending a dime on Internet marketing. How do we do it? Easy, we offer a mutually beneficial opportunity to grow our businesses together.

Want More Sign Ups? Don't Be Afraid to Ask!

Every time you offer a 60 Day FREE Trial of ZILERGY Pro to any potential prospect or customer, a valid name and email address must be acquired to accommodate them to receive the 60 Day FREE Trial. When they provide this information it automatically loads that data onto your list! In essence they have “OPTED IN” to hear from you. How many 60 Day FREE Trials can you give away? UNLIMITED! List building without the expensive learning curve, brilliant!

ZILERGY Pro helps you do this by providing an easy to use integrated database that you can grow by:

  • Providing you with a personalized link to use anywhere on the Internet that allows people to “OPT IN”
  • Offering 60 Day FREE Trials from your ZILERGY Pro website
  • Using ZILERGY Pro's "text to join" mobile technology
  • Form partnerships with other merchants to ask each others "members" if they would like to receive offers from their partner merchants.
  • Giving you a professional looking adjustable template that advertises your company brand

Growing your "list" as an investment with an unlimited income return as you send valuable offers to those who “OPT IN”. It is much more effective when you offer a value for joining; i.e.; prizes, discounts, incentives, exclusive information, customer appreciation awards and fun free stuff. As you build your database and use this approach to marketing you will be building long term relationships that will lead to long term revenue and profits.

With ZILERGY Pro you can offer a 60 Day FREE Trial to anyone you want!


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