February 22, 2011

How To Design Custom Newsletters In 3 Minutes - Spam Proof

Turbo charge your email marketing with ZILERGY Pro!
ZILERGY Pro is designed to make certain that you can capitalize on the revenue-generating power of email marketing... regardless of your business size.

GET YOUR FREE 60 DAY TRIAL HERE (no credit card required)
Forget the fluff, just deliver the stuff!
ZILERGY Pro is designed to make your emails reach your target audience with templates that are easy to use! No matter how big your database gets you can rest in knowing that your emails are reaching your customers. You'll have access to real time reports to show you which emails have been opened or unopened. You can build groups and categorize your contacts to manage your email marketing like a pro. Professional looking, easy to use templates are ready to go, just type in your message and send, it's that easy!

ZILERGY Pro goes big!
Unlike other email management systems today, ZILERGY Pro allows you to build a database as large as you want with no extra charges! That's right, other systems charge you more and more each time your database grows past certain limits. With ZILERGY Pro you will never pay more for email marketing no matter how big your business gets. Now that's an amazing value!

Don't forget to have fun!
With ZILERGY Pro email, you can create custom fields so you can manage your personal email needs as well. You can work from the same database without interfering with your business practices. One system to manage all your email needs, outstanding!

Key Features: * Unique User Interface for ease of use * Unlimited opt-in database size * Customizable fields for segmenting your lists * Unlimited Sending to your Opt-in list * Incentive based list growth strategy- Give away 60 Day FREE Trials! * Built in auto-responder technology * Automated Opt-in/Opt-out management * Share this email link * End user update profile link * Detailed Statistical Reporting * Email and mobile integrated Opt-in forms



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