February 13, 2011

Promoting Your Business Using Social Media,Viral Marketing & Email Campaigns

How To Promote Your Business Using Social Media & Viral Marketing

The old ways of promoting your business or product have become antiquated. Print ads and mailers are a thing of the past and even from the smallest of brick and mortar businesses as well as Home business and Internet Marketing to the largest Corporations are now using Social Media and Viral Marketing to reach existing customers and to bring in new customers through a combination of marketing tactics.

The trend shows all the indicators of a long and profitable wave of how businesses will interact more personally with their customers, employees, down line, and new prospects. Small businesses and Work from home opportunities now have a solid base of strong leads with the many Social Networking sites including Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and LinkedIn just to name a few.

Facebook pages has become the most popular avenue for just about every business, Church, Entertainer, Cause, and Business opportunity, just to name a few. The problem is that not many businesses know how to capitalize on these features nor do most people for that matter. Many companies are climbing aboard the Social Media band wagon and don’t have a clue about what has been going on in the Viral Market, nor do have the experience or knowledge needed to take the tools available to them and turn them in to a productive, profitable, and manageable database.

Seasoned Marketers have taken their campaigns to the next level realizing the popularity of venues such as You Tube and Blogger to present a more personalized real time interaction with their viewers and potential customers or business prospects. One of the benefits of You Tube is that is owned by Google and shows up in their search engines almost immediately.

Blogging sites such as BlogSpot and Wordpress have become a very effective way to host your own website for free and both have the ability to upload videos as well. Once again both of these sites show up in the major search engines giving you even more of an Internet presence which is crucial to getting a leg up on your competition including those promoting the same product or business op that you are.

In recent times Newsletters have become a great source for building a subscriber list through opt in campaigns. The value of these subscriptions should not be under scored. Any successful business depends on a strong list and each name on that list represents a significant dollar value.

With newsletters it is essential to have an automated system best known as an auto responder to send your subscribers your latest newsletter or sale ad on a set date without having to ever be consumed with managing your system manually. There are companies that specialize in email campaigns but it can be quite costly so it’s best to find an all in one product that can not only handle your email and newsletters but all your social media sites as well, such as Zilergy or Hiro, the latter not being available outside of Asia at this time.

This is only the tip of the iceberg as far as Viral marketing goes. One of the hottest trends right now is targeted text messaging using specific key words that you must buy in order to use. We’ve all seen the ads “text the word ‘money’ to 8675309” for example.

Once again this can be very expensive when purchased through companies that specialize in this area and it would be wise to seek out a company that offers this with the other services mentioned in order to not only save you tons of money but keep all your marketing campaigns and tools under a single dashboard, keeping in mind that you will be hard pressed to be able to keep track with all your social media, blogging, email campaigns, Targeted texting and the plethora of other tools that touch on in the upcoming articles.

Now your business can make more money with these features and benefits:
• Full Email Management System
• Social Media Marketing
• Unlimited opt-in Email Marketing
• Unlimited opt-in Standard Texting
• Premium Texting
• Short Code Texting
• Single Database for all Functions
• Opt-In Marketing Programs
• Communications with a Huge Database
For more Information on Marketing Tools and Management Systems
Go to http://www.jaybartels.info

1 comment:

  1. Adwords Marketing is the mantra of the digital world now. Social Media marketing has replaced all other conventional marketing methods as the leading marketing strategy. One has to adopt social media, viral marketing and email campaigns if he wants to keep ahead of the competition. The old outdated methods won't help anymore.
